Piotr codes the realities and pace of work in our team, the body called Apostrophe. It is the meat of pumping enthusiasm into our veins, but also the superconscious, reading our intentions and ideas. It is with him that you will most often talk to – about the process of creation and magic taking place here and now! It is thanks to this guy’s work that you will understand the twisted thought processes of our team and even the strangest ideas will become clearer!
Then you will chat about Tool’s latest album or good old music from a bygone era (for some).
Just let him brew a brew – he drinks his coffee as black and thick as Frank Zappa’s mustache.
Sowa (Piotr / Sauron) translates… and talks constantly – he even does it with machines whose dialects, jargons and humor are familiar to them all! She whispers to printers and plotters – and these repay you with projects that will knock you off your feet!
Invite Piotr to your head – and you’ll find that everything is possible – you just need to know how to stop trying – and how to start realizing it! His biggest secret – he is a visionary and an Artist! Take a look and you will see even more – a writer full of reflection, music and finally an artist who has elevated the design of modern furniture to the rank of art!
Are you going to Piotr for an interview? Take your favorite book or CD with you! Take the power of energy with you – it will take care of your feeling the best!